Monday, May 3, 2010

Quick and Easy Project

What great works of art!  Very good choice of colors.  I am sure that those are the first thoughts you have when you see these masterpieces.  Okay, maybe not, but this entertained Justin for quite some time.  The triangle pet puzzle was something that my mom sent.  I think she got it from Michael's.  Justin thought he was so cool making a puzzle all by himself.  He very carefully removed each of the three pieces, colored them, and replaced them.  He even named the animals.  I don't recall their names, but I do remember that they were original and that they rhymed.  The coconut tree is a leftover that I had from when I taught kindergarten.  They were on sale at Michael's for 2 cents each or something ridiculous like that so I bought as many as the special allowed and made my husband do the same.  I had "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" trees for class projects forever and STILL have a ton left.  They are great to paint or color with marker.  There are lots of different shapes, perfect for an easy craft project.
Now the problem is Justin carries these around with him everywhere.  They are special to him.  I hope they lose their specialness soon so I can put them in a transition box.  I am TRYING to keep clutter to a minimum, but I don't like to throw things out too quickly and have upset children.  The transition box is a perfect resting stop on its way to the garbage.  It can still be brought back to life if needed.  And, if things do get thrown out, the time in the transition box gives me the opportunity to say that they lost it.  Let's face it, if it was forgotten about that long it was lost.

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