Here are some of the ways we kept the boys busy in April.
Our family decided to go walk around the Parliment Gardens for awhile one afternoon. It has a lot of nice grass for the boys to run around on.
The Windhoek church as seen from Parliment Gardens. |
Justin at Parliment Gardens |
Ryan at Parliment Gardens. |
Easter fun for the boys. We made rabbit cookies like we did last year. The boys love the ones they get to frost, decorate, and, of course, eat. :) We dyed eggs. I remembered that I didn't let Justin use real dye when he was two years old. Oops. Next year Ryan will be too old to fool with plain water. Oh well. They had fun. Egg hunts kept the boys busy for hours. After the real one they enjoyed hiding the eggs themselves and then finding them or having me find them.
Ryan frosting and decorating his cookie. |
Justin finishing his cookie. |
Justin dying eggs (and himself). |
Ryan contemplating how to make his next mess. |
Justin hunting for the eggs hidden in our yard. |
The boys loved hiding the eggs and then finding them again. |
The boys started swimmng lessons the end of April. Emil is a very patient teacher. |
The boys play with a variety of toys. They are pretty creative. They LOVE Imaginext and blocks among other things. |
I started adding some variety to our MANY egg hunts by putting instructions inside of them. Sometimes I would put in sight words or letters of the alphabet instead.
We wanted to go to walk around Avis Dam, but when we got to the road leading up to it, we found it covered in water. We saw a man get out of his SUV and walk through the water to test the depth. It went up to at least his knees. We opted to skip the dam and go to the petting zoo instead. The boys had fun playing with the playground equipment.
Easter bunnies made out of envelopes. We filled them with rabbit shaped sugar cookies and gave to friends. Top row, made by Justin. Bottom row, made by Ryan.
Of course we also had our trip to Etosha. :) |